Making the most of the exploitation of spatial for business
StatMap offer our extensive expertise to customers, making the most of the exploitation of the spatial dimension to your business and enterprise.
Our standard consultancy focuses on the use of eVO Platform products primarily. As part of the standard implementation of eVO Platform products, StatMap provide full consultation and mentoring capabilities to our customers.
StatMap offer the most generous and wide-ranging advice and consultation services available as part of their standard annual licencing and maintenance contract, including projects and initiatives being undertaken by our user base, such as:
- Integration of eVO Platfrom with third-party applications (using data and software integration techniques integral to the eVO Platform), such as CRM, CMS and ERP.
- Providing full assistance and help to you in developing applications using the eVO Platform.
- Customisations and development projects.
- Website development and integration.
- On-going post-implementation reviews and development.
StatMap can advise potential customers upon the scale of software implementation which would be most appropriate for their requirements according to their business needs; so providing a set-up which will provide you with the most flexible and scalable answer to enable the seamless growth of users, systems and success.
It’s in our interests to make sure that our customers are able to maximise our eVO Platform products to their maximum, and we don’t seek to penalise you with hidden charges just for seeking to be successful. If our customers win, so does StatMap.
Wider Consulting Services
However, there are times when existing or non-eVO customers might wish to utilise StatMap’s extensive business and technical expertise in identifying and configuring optimum solutions to address specific business-related projects.
Whilst our consulting services are primarily concerned with the eVO Platform, our wide ranging and extensive knowledge of modern and cutting edge technologies enable us to provide you with additional consultation services – beyond those offered as part of the standard annual licencing and maintenance agreement.
We can address any specific IT and business related projects which you may wish to implement, and even assist you in developing strategies and frameworks for promoting or integrating the spatial element into your business more widely.
Similarly, we will assist you in designing and implementing working practices within your organisation which maximise the integration of spatial data to improve your business processes.
If you would like to discuss these wider consulting services further, please do contact us either by e-mail or telephone.