Hosted Map
Data Services
eVO Data Services
Hosted Map & Data Services
StatMap is an official Ordnance Survey (OS) Business Partner. We provide OGC-compliant hosted mapping services via WMTS (Web Map Tile Service), WMS (Web Map Service), and WFS (Web Feature Services) which allow geographic base map data to be streamed via an internet HTTP service. They can be used as cost-effective and efficient ways of giving a whole organisation access to high quality map data without the need for large local copies of the datasets to maintain in-house.
It also allows organisations to disseminate data to external third parties.
StatMap’s fully maintained [by StatMap] OGC-compliant services enable organisations to remove the need to store and maintain base mapping, removing the need for employees to perform this function – thus, saving revenue and capital (in the form of server space) expenditure.
We host and maintain base mapping data products from the Ordnance Survey for both PSMA / OSMA datasets and OS Open Data.
EVO Data Services supplied via: G-Cloud 9
- EVO Data Services provide clients with a single URL, so making them simple to consume by customers.
- EVO Data Services are the most cost-efficient means of supplying Ordnance Survey datasets – including all PSMA / OSMA and OS OpenData products – to each and every user within your organisation using software applications capable of consuming Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) compliant Web Mapping Tile Services (WMTS), Web Mapping Services (WMS), Web Feature Services (WFS).
- EVO Data Services can be consumed by both internal and public facing applications, with no distinction made between the two as far as the service provided is concerned. This brings you maximum value for money.
User Generated Content (UGC) services are also available, where users can upload – via manual or automated means (so can be updated as often as you wish) – their business data to StatMap’s hosting servers, whereupon they are served out as WMS or WFS. These are served via either purchasing tranches of WMS or WFS transactions, or an unlimited annual payment.
High Quality Production Printing WMS
Uniquely, StatMap can provide clients with fully OGC-compliant WMS for high resolution professional map printing quality from our 300 DPI WMS for any background mapping you wish. It can be in multiple Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS) for any projection in any part of the World the customer requires.
OS Open Data
PSMA Datasets
User Generated Content
- Complete inventory of Ordnance Survey PSMA/OSMA base mapping products.
- Greyscale, Black and White (‘Landline’ style) and Semi-Transparent versions of all layers.
- Quarterly update of all Ordnance Survey datasets
- Served in OGC compliant WMS 1.1.1, 1.3.0 formats
- Simple to consume with all desktop GIS (e.g. QGIS, ESRI ArcGIS, MapInfo Professional, etc.), web GIS servers (e.g. StatMap EVO, ESRI ArcGIS Server, etc.) and any other OGC WMS compatible business systems (e.g. IDOX Uniform).
- High performance server environments.
- Coordinate Reference Systems: British National Grid (EPSG: 27700) and WGS84 (EPSG: 4326).
- Complete inventory of Ordnance Survey PSMA/OSMA base mapping products.
- Greyscale, Black and White (‘Landline’ style) and Semi-Transparent versions of all layers.
- Quarterly update of all Ordnance Survey datasets.
- Served in OGC compliant WMTS 1.1.0 (KVP and REST).
- Standard and Secure HTTP services (http and https).
- Simple to consume with all desktop GIS (e.g. QGIS, ESRI ArcGIS, MapInfo Professional, etc.), web GIS servers (e.g. StatMap EVO, ESRI ArcGIS Server, etc.) and any other OGC WMTS compatible business systems.
- High performance server environments serving pre-rendered tiles.
- Each Tile is 512 x 512 pixels.
- Coordinate Reference Systems: British National Grid (EPSG: 27700), WGS84 (EPSG: 4326), and EPSG: 3857.